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Submit a Session Proposal

The 2024 window for session submission has closed.​


In 2024 we have three session types (topics)


Academic Research

This type of session proposal requires an abstract of an academic paper such as a dissertation, working paper, manuscript, or report. The proposal should include the elements of academic research, such as research questions, theoretical framing, appropriate and rigorous methods, and findings with implications for policy or practice.  


Action / Applied Research

This type of session proposal summarizes action-based or applied research, such as continuous improvement work, program evaluation, or investigation of instructional practices or local policies.


Best Practices

This type of session proposal shares best practices or how-to for educational program implementation and evaluation, such as assessment, instruction, survey methods, program evaluation, teacher training/mentoring/support, data visualization,  etc.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria: All submissions will be reviewed by at least two CERA members.  Session proposals will be evaluated according to: (a) Relevance and Appropriateness for CERA conference audience; (b) Quality of the Abstract or Proposal; (c) active engagement of attendees.

Presenter Guidelines

As the Primary Presenter, I agree to the following:

  • Register for the Annual Conference within 30 days of acknowledgement of acceptance, pay registration fees, and take part in the conference.

  • If applicable, notify any secondary presenters of the date, time, and location of the presentation. I understand that it is my responsibility to remember the date, time, and location of my presentation.

  • Inform any secondary presenters that they must register for the conference and pay registration fees.

  • Ensure that appropriate sources are cited in the presentation.

  • Arrange for my session's AV needs, including LCD, computers, or Internet access.

  • Notify CERA in advance if I am not able to attend my presentation (subject to Cancellation Policy).

  • Allow name, institutional affiliation, and session description to be posted on the CERA Mobile App.

  • Upload presentation materials to the CERA Mobile App prior to arriving at the conference.



It is the responsibility of the presenter to inform the Annual CERA Conference Organizers by e-mail at if a presentation must be cancelled.


We understand that unforeseen events may change your ability to attend the Annual CERA Conference.  Due to costs already incurred, NO REFUNDS will be made for the cancellation of your registration.  If you are registered and are unable to attend, you may transfer your registration to a colleague by contacting before November 1, 2024.


Time Considerations

Consider the amount of time you have for your presentation and complete the presentation within the allotted time. If you are allocated a 75-minute presentation slot, your entire presentation including all questions and answers must be completed within those 75 minutes. 


Multi-Author Presentations

In the case of a multi-author presentation, more than one person may speak/present, but take care to monitor the time so you may finish as scheduled.



Each breakout room will be supplied with a power station, LCD projector, screen, and small audio speakers. Presenters are responsible for bringing their own laptop. Some rooms may not have Wifi so plan accordingly.



Presenters must utilize the CERA Mobile App to upload handouts and other materials whenever possible. Directions for uploading “collateral” into the Mobile App will be distributed to presenters once available. Attendees will benefit the most when materials are uploaded before the conference.  

Papers presented at CERA are not compiled for publication in conference proceedings; therefore there is no requirement that a paper accompany a presentation.

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